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IAIKUPers-Sunday (16 June 2024) Closing of the Basic Level Advanced Scout Coaching Course was held (KMD) Faculty of Education and Teaching IAI Khozinatul Ulum at Bumi Perkemahan,Nglangitan Village, Tunjungan District , Blora Regency. In his speech, Deputy Chancellor III,Brother Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd congratulated the best participants and at the same time provided tips for mentoring success for this year's KMD hatchling participants. " I congratulate all the participants who have completed all the networks from KMD . However, "That is not a measure of the success of coaching in the next group, but it is the sincerity and tenacity of the brothers and sisters that will be the main key in achieving success as coaches in the future." Sis Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB Blora in his message said "as the course leader reports that the KMD activities were carried out based on studies carried out by Pusdiklatcab to increase the number of coaches with advanced qualifications within the Blora Branch Kwartir. This course is expected to be a solution to the disproportionality between the quantity of students and instructors. "One of the obstacles to the development of scouting within the Maros Kwarcab is that the ratio of the number of coaches to students is not yet ideal.. So therefore, several effective steps need to be implemented to produce quality coaches." explained "We hope, after all of you have completed the KMD process, "Brothers and sisters are all able to develop and shape the character of students through scouting education in Blora Regency," concluded. Series of Closing Events fKMDBasic Level Advanced Courses (KMD) closed by marking the removal of the Participant's cockade ,Symbolic handover of the Certificate of Development Rights represented by Sis Yusron and Sis Izza,which was released dSrectly by Kak Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB BLORA accompanied by Sis Suyono as coach. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers-Sunday (16 June 2024) Closing of the Basic Level Advanced Scout Coaching Course was held (KMD) Faculty of Education and Teaching IAI Khozinatul Ulum at Bumi Perkemahan,Nglangitan Village, Tunjungan District , Blora Regency. In his speech, Deputy Chancellor III,Brother Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd congratulated the best participants and at the same time provided tips for mentoring success for this year's KMD hatchling participants. " I congratulate all the participants who have completed all the networks from KMD . However, "That is not a measure of the success of coaching in the next group, but it is the sincerity and tenacity of the brothers and sisters that will be the main key in achieving success as coaches in the future." Sis Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB Blora in his message said "as the course leader reports that the KMD activities were carried out based on studies carried out by Pusdiklatcab to increase the number of coaches with advanced qualifications within the Blora Branch Kwartir. This course is expected to be a solution to the disproportionality between the quantity of students and instructors. "One of the obstacles to the development of scouting within the Maros Kwarcab is that the ratio of the number of coaches to students is not yet ideal.. So therefore, several effective steps need to be implemented to produce quality coaches." explained "We hope, after all of you have completed the KMD process, "Brothers and sisters are all able to develop and shape the character of students through scouting education in Blora Regency," concluded. Series of Closing Events fKMDBasic Level Advanced Courses (KMD) closed by marking the removal of the Participant's cockade ,Symbolic handover of the Certificate of Development Rights represented by Sis Yusron and Sis Izza,which was released dSrectly by Kak Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB BLORA accompanied by Sis Suyono as coach. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers-Sunday (16 June 2024) Closing of the Basic Level Advanced Scout Coaching Course was held (KMD) Faculty of Education and Teaching IAI Khozinatul Ulum at Bumi Perkemahan,Nglangitan Village, Tunjungan District , Blora Regency.

In his speech, Kak Sutarno congratulated the best participants as well as providing tips for mentoring success for this year's KMD hatchling participants.

” I congratulate all the participants who have completed all the networks from KMD . However, "That is not a measure of the success of coaching in the next group, but it is the sincerity and tenacity of the brothers and sisters that will be the main key in achieving success as coaches in the future."


Sis Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB Blora in his message conveyed “as the course leader reported that the KMD activities were carried out based on a study carried out by the Pusdiklatcab to increase the number of advanced qualified coaches within the Blora Branch Kwartir. This course is expected to be a solution to the disproportionality between the quantity of students and instructors.

“One of the obstacles to the development of scouting within the Blora Kwarcab is that the ratio of the number of coaches to students is not yet ideal.. So therefore, Several effective steps need to be implemented to produce quality coaches”.clear

“We hope, after all of you have completed the KMD process, All brothers and sisters are able to develop and shape the character of students through scouting education in Blora Regency”.concluded.

Series of Closing Events for Basic Level Advanced Courses (KMD) closed by marking the removal of the Participant's cockade ,handing over the Degree symbolically represented by kak Yusron and kak Izza,which was released directly by Kak Slamet Pamuji, S,HUM as KAKWARCAB BLORA accompanied by Sis Suyono as coach.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni



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