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IAIKUPers- Saturday (22 June 2024) Student Senate Aspiration and Advocacy Sector (Sema) Commission C headed by Ahmad Fathoni Mahmud, carry out activities to absorb student aspirations with the Student Activity Unit (SMEs) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. Mentioned, that UKM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora consists of UKM Khoznaya Albana, UKM Badminton, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara (Soles), UKM Khiznaya Music. From the interests and talents of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students. "The background to this activity of absorbing student aspirations is wanting to know from UKM friends themselves and Ormawa in general what obstacles there are and their background." Fathoni said, his call. Nevertheless, Student Senate represented by Commission C, would like to express many thanks to all SMEs who have taken the time to participate in this activity. According to him, This aspiration absorption activity is very helpful for UKM friends. Which incidentally consists of regular and extension students. "Because after the inauguration until now, fellow students want to develop their interests and talents but are constrained by many things, especially facilities and costs. Also the desire to advance our beloved campus" he said. Explained, The activity which was held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Hall consisted of BPH Sema, Futsal UKM CChoir UKMlbana, Badminton UKM, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara, and UKM Khiznaya Music. Run orderly and smoothly. Sema has prepared Google from and absorbs aspirations for fellow students in particular and Ormawa in general, namely UKM, HMPS, When, and bodies contained in the Ormawa Law. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate Commission C Holds SERASI WEEK Forum (Absorb Aspiration) with the Student Activities Unit (SMEs)

IAIKUPers- Saturday (22 June 2024) Student Senate Aspiration and Advocacy Sector (Sema) Commission C headed by Ahmad Fathoni Mahmud, carry out activities to absorb student aspirations with the Student Activity Unit (SMEs) di Aula IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.Disebutkan, that UKM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora consists of UKM Khoznaya Albana, UKM Badminton, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara (Soles), UKM Khiznaya Music. From the interests and talents of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students.

"The background to this activity of absorbing student aspirations is wanting to know from UKM friends themselves and Ormawa in general what obstacles there are and their background." Fathoni said, his call.

Nevertheless, Student Senate represented by Commission C, would like to express many thanks to all SMEs who have taken the time to participate in this activity.

According to him, This aspiration absorption activity is very helpful for UKM friends. Which incidentally consists of regular and extension students.

"Because after the inauguration until now, fellow students want to develop their interests and talents but are constrained by many things, especially facilities and costs. Also the desire to advance our beloved campus" he said.

Explained, The activity which was held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Hall consisted of BPH Sema, CFutsal UKMC,Choir UKMlbana, Badminton UKM, UKM Futsal, UKM Paduan Suara, and UKM Khiznaya Music. Run orderly and smoothly.

Sema has prepared Google from and absorbs aspirations for fellow students in particular and Ormawa in general, namely UKM, HMPS, When, and bodies contained in the Ormawa Law.

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate Commission C Holds SERASI WEEK Forum (Absorb Aspiration) with the Student Activities Unit (SMEs)

IAIKUPers- Saturday (22 June 2024) Student Senate Aspiration and Advocacy Sector (Sema) Commission C headed by Ahmad Fathoni Mahmud, carry out activities to absorb student aspirations with the Student Activity Unit (SMEs) in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.

Mentioned, that UKM IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora consists of UKM Khoznaya Albana, UKM Badminton, Futsal UKM, Choir UKM (Soles), UKM Khiznaya Music. From the interests and talents of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students.


Latar belakang kegiatan serap aspirasi mahasiswa ini yaitu ingin mengetahui dari teman-teman UKM sendiri dan Ormawa pada umumnya ada kendala apa dan latar belakangnya” Fathoni said, his call.


Nevertheless, Student Senate represented by Commission C, would like to express many thanks to all SMEs who have taken the time to participate in this activity.


According to him, This aspiration absorption activity is very helpful for UKM friends. Which incidentally consists of regular and extension students.


Karena setelah pelantikan sampai detik ini, fellow students want to develop their interests and talents but are constrained by many things, especially facilities and costs. Also the desire to advance our beloved campus” he said.


Explained, The activity which was held in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus Hall consisted of BPH Sema, Commission C, UKM Khiznaya Albana, Badminton UKM, Futsal UKM, Choir UKM, and UKM Khiznaya Music. Run orderly and smoothly.


Sema has prepared Google from and absorbs aspirations for fellow students in particular and Ormawa in general, namely UKM, HMPS, When, and bodies contained in the Ormawa Law.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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